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We offer a extensive range of Power Supply and battery back up options.

Our range of switchmode psu technology power supplies offer many benefits including being 30% more energy efficient compared to Linear type, offer Deep Discharge Protection and are available with 12 or 24 volt DC out puts with load capacities of 1, 2, 3, and 5amp. Our box sizes allow for a battery or batteries to be mounted safely whilst still leaving plenty of room for other products including control and relay boards. Like all our products the switch-mode Power supplies are CE approved and have passed CE standards to EMC & RFI EN STANDARDS.

The power range also offers non boxed power supply answers for smaller applications when battery back up is not required, budgets are tight or when size really doesn’t matter!

For battery back up we turn to the industry leading Yuasa and offer both the Yucell and NP range. Both these ranges come with clearly marked manufacturer date  meaning you wont be left with an out of date battery when you need back up most of all.